About Pleasant Smith

Pleasant Smith, loves and enjoys all areas of her professional life, as a Relationship Coach, a Podcaster, and Author. She strives to excel in her career with a driven goal….her passion to serve.

To date, Pleasant has over fifteen years experience, her journey started as a client getting professional coaching, to enroll with Relationship Coaching Institute for a year and four months to become a certified coach and presently the founder and CEO of Due Coaching.

She is passionate about her work and committed to her clients.

Her personal experience, education and knowledge through coaching help forms the acronym D.U.E ( discovering unique empowerment ) coaching and creates the platform for an individual approach for her clients.

Her sincere intention is to partner with her clients for their transformation to accomplish their personal growth so they can be happy and successful.

Her mantra ;Believe in the simplicity of life, it will reward you nuggets of happiness.

She is ambitious + content, strong + sensitive, successful + humble. She had never lost sight of her most filling purposes in life, the joy of raising her daughter and three sons.